Lewis Leathers have a long tradition of making jackets for the ladies and recently Ben Part, photographer and contributor to Sideburn magazine, did a photoshoot for France’s esteemed Cafe Racer magazine using some of our styles. Ben kindly gave us permission to present some of them here.
First up is our Cyclone jacket.
Below; mid Blue Lightning jacket.
Lightning jacket in White.
White Lightning jacket.
Mid Blue Lightning jacket.
The above jackets are available as made-to-measure in all of our stock colours (Black, Navy, mid Blue, Turquoise, Red, Brown, Green, Yellow and White. Other available styles are, Super Sportsman, Dominator, Corsair and Super Monza.
To see more of Ben’s photography or contact Ben himself, check his website HERE
And let’s not forget SIDEBURN magazine if you haven’t read a copy yet you can pick them up at Lewis Leathers or, get one online at their WEBSITE